National Association of University Women, Inc.
NAUW Plainfield-Brunswick
Address: PO Box 3026 – Plainfield, NJ 07063
Meetings: 9:30 am
the first Saturday of the month
Neighborhood House
644 W 4th St, Plainfield, NJ 07060
National Theme (2024-2026):
“Visionary Women Serving in Unity and Love”
Mission Statement
The National Association of University Women (NAUW) is a national non-profit organization that provides scholarships at the branch level for high school students, at the sectional level for graduare study, and at the national level for doctoral study, a fellowship is awarded. NAUW provides opportunities to mentor youth and offers a variety of programs whereby you can contribute your skills.
NAUW provides great opportunities to:
Network with professional women
Develop additional professional and leadership skills
Gain experience that will enhance your resume and graduate applications
Serve as a mentor to others

NAUW Mission Statement
The mission of the National Association of University Women is to serve women, youth and the disadvantaged in our communities and in developing countries by addressing educational issues, advancing the status of women's issues, and strategically partnering with allied organizations.
NAUW Plainfield-Brunswick Branch
Mission Statement:
The purpose of the branch is to promote and conduct educational activities designed to provide community outreach services at every level of development.

Membership Criteria:
Any woman of good character holding a baccalaureate or higher degree from an institution, which is listed by the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare in an accredited higher institution, may be admitted to membership in the Branch.
If you are interested in being considered for membership in the National Association of University Women, please
Contact Membership Chairperson – Kim Callender